Low Cost, High Value Marketing: Landing Page Package



How do you know if an ad or even a complete advertising channel is working? What is the best branding and marketing approach for a new product or market? How can you test before going “all in” on an advertising commitment?

The answer is custom Landing Page(s) with data tracking and iterative improvements. Part of our Data Management work is configuring a system like a web page to collect useful data to be used to grow a business.

From tracking phone numbers to Facebook/Linked pixels and geo-location for visitors, we pack a massive amount of data control and analytics into one Landing Page in order to quickly test your advertising and marketing or even provide the base for territorial segmentation for sales staff.

Hyper Tracking Landing Pages Features:

  • Unique Private Domain
  • 2 Tracking phone numbers (local to any Area Code in U.S./Canada). Geo/Recording Options
  • Geo location for incoming visits
  • Branding to match product or territory
  • Links to all major CRM platforms
  • Intelligent forms to extract data from referring site (source advertisement).
  • Code in place for Retargeting, LInkedIn, Facebook, and more supplemental Advertising
  • Daily to Instant reporting

If you have any questions before purchasing call us at 800-407-5668

Starting at $499/mo.